Advantages M/V Dredger Gino Cucco
The advantages of using the M/V Dredger "Gino Cucco" in land reclamation works
The advantages of using the M/V Dredger “Gino Cucco” in dredging operations and reclamation along coastal line are:
- The dredger freely moves inside dredging area and it doesn’t need to remain stationary in one allocated place.
- The dredged material is loaded in the watertight hopper, without using supporting barges.
- The dredger is equipped with one propulsion system which enables to work in all areas without tug boats in assistance.
- The dredger is fitted with a DGPS positioning system able to draw with high precision dredging course inside dredging area.
- The material, sucked up by the draghead and then spilled in the hopper, is treated with the “washing” process during which it loses most part of subtle elements, that hanging spill out through lateral blowholes (overflow system).
- Material reclaimed on the beach throughout submerged pipes is treated with washing process again so to raise granule quality.
- At the end of land reclamation pipes there’s a duck beak diffuser that enables to spread the mixture equally.
- The dredger can precisely suck up layers of material from the seabed, making possible to satisfy the expected and specific techniques of land reclamation work.